Greetings, All of My Lovely Pals!
Hope you all have enjoyed the onslaught of Spring, wherever you are, and are joining the hoards that are putting the snow, ice, sleet, storms and winter behind us. This is the time of year for tulips, lilacs, buds, lots and lots of fresh greenery, blue skies, robins and let’s not forget renewal and rebirth. What a segue! Renewal . . . rebirth . . . and then let’s talk about you.
In our last two columns we did our “self-analysis” and by now you should have a pretty good perspective on what you, this magnificent creature, is all about, where you need to go and what you need to do to perfect, yes, I said perfect, this glorious package of wonderment that you will be presenting to the world.
First, before presentation, there are rules to follow. I know, I know, you’re screaming, “What? More rules?!” Listen, no one said this thing called life was going to be easy and then you want to throw in a career, a business, personal relationships and possibly a love life into the mix and you expect it to be a cake walk? Well, this thing called Life is the biggest and most difficult “game” you will ever play so to have a set of rules is a “good thing”, as Martha Stewart would say.
Rule No. 1: Always remember that YOU are the player and YOU could be either a winner or a loser in this game. But just as any game goes, you must focus on . . . what? You must focus on YOU and what YOU are doing and how YOU are doing it and whether or not YOU are making the right moves.
Now, along with this Rule No. 1, are sub-rules. Okay, relax Maxwell. There’s no point in going into a frenzy because it just gets more complicated anyway, so just chill out and work the buttons as they come up.
Focusing on YOU is probably going to be the most difficult thing you’ve ever done. Unless, of course, you are some kind of egomaniacal self-centered diva, or divo, if you’re male, and there are truly plenty of those around. But those are the ones that are going to end up very old and very alone. I’ve seen it a thousand times over. We’re talking here about making sure that your every need is met. Your every desire is being considered. The time that YOU need to be you or to rest or to socialize or to love or to create, etc., etc., etc. I think you get the picture.
To be sure, it is a very delicate balance to be able to focus on you and still be a kind and generous and considerate human being. But as my husband always says, “If my wife is happy, I’m happy.” Meaning, of course, that when I’m happy, I won’t make his life miserable! That’s a haha. But the actual truth is that when YOU are happy and YOU are focused, YOU will, without a doubt, make the world around you a warm and wonderful place to be and that is . . . next to you.
Next time, we’ll talk in more detail about the things you can do in the process of focusing on you. We’re just getting started, but trust me, it’s going to fun. Complex, but fun.
Your Friend,
Sande D.