Wait for it, I know you’re impatient to know, but as there were so many people…
Author: Gregory Gower
I am amazed at the bravado of the young and some of the middle aged of…
All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go!
This Pandemic is not just a piece of fun in some people’s way of thinking and…
I always prepare my columns in advance, but there is always something else that bugs me…
The Invisible Man and the Actor
Having viewed the latest Con advert and I do mean CON. It’s so perfectly delivered that…
Metal Mickey!
A well known pro Tory National Newspaper names Boris Johnson “The Iron Man” – I beg…
Once Upon a Time – A Woodland Fairy Story
The Diary of Horace the Badger It was such a hard decision to make, whether to…
Rough Justice For Eastbourne
There seems to be a demarcation line in Eastbourne that divides the town in two. Langney…