Feline Dementia?

If I’m unable to pinpoint exactly when I first noticed that my own mind wasn’t what…

The Wrong Way To Do It

      Lest the title has you thinking that this is going to be a juicy little…

Bomb-Proofing the Dog?

If you’ve read my column regularly – and why wouldn’t you, it’s gripping stuff – you’ll…

Christmas Secrets

(author’s note: there’s absolutely no reason my husband has to know about this particular column, so…

Kelly’s Critter Book Nook

     If you’re anything like me, you’re wondering how the hell you’re going to survive the…

If It’s Good Enough for the Duchess…

It was one of those beautiful fall days, recently, in which the weather (not too hot,…

A Goose Worth Knowing

As if grieving the loss of your own pet isn’t bad enough, sometimes, thanks to social…

A Little Bit of Beau

It was my husband’s idea to lease Bit the horse for me. At the time, he…