Karen Eccles joins The Sussex Newspaper

Hello, my name is Karen Eccles and I am the founder of Pilates From Within, my…

Don’t Bite The Hand That Treats You!

It was a fine spring-type day,recently, and I decided to spend some of it with Bit…

It’s A Trust Thing

     It’s been eight years since I first started working with my horse, Bit. I…

Businesses in Coastal West Sussex showcase innovations to meet challenges

Businesses globally are facing the crucial question of whether they can adapt and become resilient to…


In thinking about what to write for this column, I noticed that the subject of age…

Good Bye 2020!

I gave a considerable amount of thought to what I wanted to write about for my…

Edward Street Quarter launches two more new public art tenders

Local artists are being sought for two exciting public art projects at Brighton’s newest neighbourhood, Edward…

Broken Rib Number Seven

While the title of this piece is factual, it’s not completely accurate: I do have a…