Recipe Olive oil Onion Pumpkin (or butternut squash) chopped flesh of pumpkin Vegetable stock (low…
Category: Health
Are Fitness Trackers Accurate?
Fitness Trackers such as FitBit, Garmin and Apple Watch are growing in popularity and everyone seems…
Tips to stay on track with your New Year’s Resolution
Christmas and the holiday season is coming to a close, and entering into New Year brings…
The Boundaries of Joy – how separation creates connection
Fuzzy boundaries make of us damp paper, and of the world a soggy match. I’d…
Why Do You Feel Tired in Winter?
It’s getting colder, darker, the days are getting shorter, and with it your energy levels plummet…
Letter to a Celebrity Fitness Trainer, from a Mum
Dear Celebrity Fitness Trainer, What first caught my eye was your bottom. I don’t believe…
Solution4health Stop Smoking Drop In Clinic
Stop smoking surgeries are held at Burgess Hill Town Council’s Help Point, 96 Church Walk to…
Time to care for yourself too – get a flu jab
Carers are being encouraged to get a flu vaccination to protect both themselves and the person…