Baby Boomers, Late Developers, Business Adventures

Child of the 1960’s and maybe a late developer as well. It not a big deal…

No Good Time To Say Good-bye

Back in May of this year, I wrote a column about how my two remaining cats…

The Unbound Press Introduces Light The Way – by Natalie Farrell

What would happen if you could take off your shoes and dance with life for a…

Meditation – the route to your inner truth

Do you listen to your intuition, trust in it and follow its guidance? Everything that you…

The Big Picture

In case you missed it, 15 July marked the unveiling of the statue of Street Cat…

The 50+ age group, Impart your amazing knowledge as a Mentor

As a follow on from my last writing on achievements, it seems we have turned full…

Why I Don’t Diet

In the words of Garfield… The word ‘Diet’ takes me back to my youth and reminds…

Gone But Not Forgotten: Street Cat Bob

You might think me mad, but I’m not embarrassed to admit that, having spent many years…