The Tory Bully Boys

How can one respect our current Government when they can spend NINE MIILION POUNDS (£9,000,000) of Tax Payers money on a PROPAGANDA LEAFLET scaremongering the population of the UNITED KINGDOM telling us why we should stay in the EU?  Surely the Tory Tax Payers don’t condone these actions, or are they all besotted by DAVE?  Does this Government think they can run rough shod over everyone?  I think they have gone too far without any thought of how they were voted into power and by the same means they could topple from the tightrope they are walking across.  Then there is the CLOWN who has put patients health at risk with the help of DAVE by coming up with the idea that DOCTORS should work 24/7.  I support the DOCTORS in their 24/48 hour strikes and if we were to read between the lines most of our doctors will find work overseas where commonsense prevails and  natural working conditions are applied.  And when our hospitals are empty of Doctors and Nurses, who do we blame? This Government seems to have lost contact with the people.  They tend to work for their own comforts


Apparently there appear to be two rules both implemented by the Government.  Coach drivers who drive on long continental journeys are not permitted to drive more than the time allowed by legislation, yet Doctors are expected to work seven days a week.


Now the TAX HAVEN EPISODE has come to the fore and DAVE’S denial four times that he is innocent and then that turns out he’s GUILTY AS CHARGED.  In a statement in an interview on television, “If I’m going to become Prime Minister I’ll sell our shares.”  So in fact he was going to break the law by avoiding paying tax.  This high and mighty Government lay down the rules of what is legal and what is illegal and then break the law themselves and get off scot free.


George’s latest piece of news is that families are going to be £4,300 worse off if we exit Brussels.


We pay £50,000,000 a day to BRUSSELS – wouldn’t it be better if organisations such as the Hospitals, Charities, Farmers and Ambulance Services benefitted from this money?  The only fly in the ointment is that DAVE doesn’t want this.  He wants people to pay through the nose for treatment and waste the TAX PAYERS MONEY.


I have no respect for the members of this Government, they lie through their teeth, never answer a direct question put to them and NEVER EVER live up to their PROMISES which got them the vote in the first place.  A load of charlatans!

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