Staying well on your travels 

Looking forward to getting away this summer? The
following tips should help to make sure your holiday is memorable for all the
right reasons.

Bolster your defences. A strong immune system is important at all times but especially so when we travel. The stuffy confines of an airplane cabin are the perfect breeding ground for germs, especially if you’re cooped up for two to three hours at a time. Echinacea purpurea is one of the best immune-supportive herbs there is, so make sure this makes it into your hand luggage.  A.Vogel Echinacea Lozenges are particularly flight-friendly but you should ideally start to prime your immune system two to four weeks
before you travel.

Support your digestive health with a good prebiotic supplement before and when you travel. Molkosan Fruit Drink for example can help establish the right environment within which important infection-fighting
bacteria can flourish, revitalising your digestive system. Don’t eat anything that looks undercooked or raw and avoid buffet food that may not have been kept at the right temperature.

By far the most common cause of tummy trouble abroad and diarrhoea especially, is dirty or contaminated water. Only drink bottled or canned drinks and don’t assume the tap water in your hotel is safe to drink. Remember also not to use ice in your drinks.

If you do succumb to ‘holiday tum’, drink plenty of water to help prevent dehydration; experts recommend between two and three litres daily, especially if you’re in a hot climate. For diarrhoea, nausea and stomach ache, Silicol gel, a liquid silicic acid supplement, three times daily can help.

Children with diarrhoea must consult a healthcare professional and medical advice must always be sought if symptoms do not improve within 24 to 36 hours, or if diarrhoea is accompanied by severe pain, vomiting, fever or loss of blood.

If mosquitoes and biting insects are a problem, a good insect repellent on exposed skin should help. In some parts of the world, such as Africa and South America, you’ll need more than a spray repellent, but more often than not, mosquitoes are more of a nuisance than a health hazard. Natural remedies can be effective. Neem seed extract for example, is a popular alternative to DEET-containing sprays. The scent of neem masks your individual scent, making you less easy to find.

Have fun in the sun but do so safely. Always wear a good SPF, avoid sitting in the sun when it’s at its strongest and prepare your skin before you travel. If you do get caught short, Aloe vera applied topically can help to soothe dry, reddened or sun-damaged skin.

Finally, if you’re feeling a little overtired or jetlagged on arrival, Sleep Well Dissolvable Granules should help you to drift off in your new time zone.

Bon voyage!

For further advice contact Simon and his team at Ceres Health Food Store, 29 Goring Rd, Worthing BN12 4AR or via phone on 01903 242023

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