About My New Year’s Resolution

Do New Year Resolutions really work? When I was growing up, I never had the opportunity in my dysfunctional family to have an aspiration or desire. My stepfather even said, “We do not spoil Marilyn”. This was called discipline and loyalty in my house.

My marriage followed along similar lines. It was not until I was divorced that I had time even to think about a New Year’s Resolution. I was going to a faith-based class in Seattle when living on my own. They held a special event to determine your New Year Resolutions. We were given a circle chart, which was divided, into sections with labels. I listed the goals for health, career, and other items for each section. In the career section, I wrote that I would write a self-help, spiritual book for those looking for a loving life style.

By the end of the year, the book did not happen. I found that there is more to a resolution than wishing for it. After several years of writing the book into my chart for the next New Year, I gave up on resolutions.

Over time, I found myself in writing classes, conventions, and opportunities to write, came into my life. I followed my inner guidance to sign up for them. My writing teacher agreed to publish my first book of poetry, “Roses Have Thorns”. This gave me experience of how to put a book together. I joined the Tacoma Writers’ Club where I won an international contest for their essay competition. This validated my writing for me to continue writing.

At a poetry convention in New York where I received an award as a Golden Poet and a trophy, I heard about a writers’ conference in California. I attended the eminent conference in California for 7 years, hearing other people’s work and hearing criticism about my work. I listened and worked with famous people in the entertainment and writing world who attended yearly at a famous hotel attending and teaching at the Santa Barbara Writers’ Conference.

The instructors were supportive. During this time, I was growing like an apprentice. Through classes, I found that I had to revise my book with a new focus. I learned about the publishing industry, agents, and how to improve my writing. In addition, I attended an extra presentation not a part of the conference, where for the first time, I learned about self-publishing. I rephrased the book and used it as the textbook for college classes I taught at the local colleges.

On a Mexican cruise with a spiritual minded group, I met an author who was on the New York Times bestseller list. He agreed to mentor me to make my book saleable. I was into writing my book for the third time. His help and assistance made it the book it is today and the basis for my other books.

There were two years where the book was not progressing. Later, I realized that time was needed for me to grow. This time had allowed me new experiences and a deeper understanding that brought authenticity. I needed the time for the lessons necessary to put them into the finished product. I added poems, artwork, and work pages with each chapter ending in workbook exercises. When my inspiration returned to finish the book, I needed a publisher.

Because I found that publishing houses could dictate what is in the book, I was told intuitively to self publish. I was not to be censored with crucial information omitted as happened to prior books from well-known publishing companies. Fortunately, by now, I knew about self-publishing. Providentially, I found an independent publisher, Mithra.

My 500-page book that took twenty-five years to write is the ultimate self-help book. It is available on Amazon and at Barns and Noble, see the links below. It has the details for transforming your life into truth and becoming authentic. Chapter by chapter there are details, tools, and work pages to release the past barriers into a thriving mindset and finding grace. Progressing through each chapter there are exercises for growing into a higher consciousness of love by releasing past harms, fears, and resentments so they no longer influence your life. Your path moves into being present in your life.

It took more than just a thought as a resolution to discover the skills for writing a book. Through the years, I found knowledge and continued to practice the skills I learned. This brought a foundation to continue writing more books that are available now on Amazon that continue the spiritual growth for the reader. From the time, I wrote on the resolutions chart and the completed book when it was published, produced a respectable and five star book.

Surprisingly, “Paradigm Busters” and several others of my books at Amazon are being distributed internationally to prisons and used in one prison for a book study. Astonishingly, I was accepted into the prestigious book, “Who’s Who in America. I never thought I would become an international writer and validated in a prestigious book, when I had the idea to write a book to help others and listed it on a resolutions chart. Life is about timing and synchronicity.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmond/e/B0069WIKDC
Barnes and Nobel https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Marilyn+Redmond?_requestid=16065424

Marilyn Redmond is an ordained minister for spiritual counseling, past life therapy, readings, regression, healing, and mediumship for information from the other side for family, health, relationships, issues in your life, and more. In addition, she is a spiritual teacher and speaker. Redmond is on the International Board for Regression Therapy, IBRT, and on the American Board of Hypnotherapy, ABH. Marilyn can help you find health, happiness, and prosperity.

Check out her website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com /
179 videos on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372
Blog at http://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com./

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