It’s no good sending pamphlets and brochures through the Royal Mail of advertising products if the price tags are missing.  Perhaps the reasoning for this is because of curiosity by the person who might need to know if she or he is thinking of purchasing said item and make the mistake of telephoning the company to find out the price. The other people on the line are experts in persuading you to purchase even though you can’t really afford to and find yourself heavily committed.  Originally you just wanted to know what it was worth and these experts would make the path smooth for you by stating it will only cost you X number of pounds each month and once you sign the papers it could be as much as 5 years depending upon what product you desired or was on your wish list.

The company might offer an inducement, normally a fairly substantial amount of money to you the customer, but in fact this amount would be swallowed up by the amount of your monthly instalments with the interest tagged on and

although it does sound shocking, some people do not use the said item because they are unable to keep it in the house or are living in such an area where there are no roads to the dwelling.  Having hindsight is a wonderful thing, seldom thought of before buying something you can’t keep in the house and I speak of a Mobility Scooter.

Some people are lured by brightly coloured brochures and looking through the pages you are tempted by new innovations such as the one brochure I happened to read with Christmas Trees already festooned with decorations and lights – the pop up variety and I can imagine the senior citizens who hate the thought of visiting their attics and are willing to pay through the nose for something they have already got and where do they put it after Christmas – in the attic!

The Royal Mail under the direction of the Government tried to stop advertisers from using their services and sending brochures etc to households – but it has crept back with a vengeance.  The simple reasoning behind that is sending trash with your mail is a source of revenue for the Post Office.  You can telephone a certain number to request not to receive advertising but it never works – after a few weeks your recycle bin is full to the brim with ever increasing piles of rubbish.  The decreasing of trees that are good for environmental structure for the world are able to stem some ozone depletion, greenhouse effect and global warming are being cut down at an alarming rate in some countries and of course the main ingredient for making paper is wood.  In the future the earth and the people living on it will not be protected.

Going back to purchasing and introducing on-line purchasing, we’ve all been caught some way or another and just recently I was caught on the end of an inventive mind of someone and because I received a refund in full I did not proceed with any further inquiries.

The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

Just to set the record straight I do not get paid for writing this column – it is for the love of the job and trying to put right the things that are definitely wrong!

Next weeks Column:  Promises!   Promises!

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