Here we go again and no thought about serving the community, let us just have an argument about who is to blame for the rise of the ENERGY BILL!


Amazing the Labour Party had just won a victory over the Tories to govern the United Kingdom after fourteen years of TORY RULE and what have the Tories achieved, exactly zero.


The TORY GOVERNMENT had more important things to think of while in power.  LOOKING AFTER THEMSELVES and even this was passed onto their ZOMBIES known as LOCAL COUNCILS and especially at EASTBOURNE to the tune of £19,000,000 and to the BILLION POUNDS that the former MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT BOASTED OF HAVING FOR EASTBOURNE SERVICES.  WHERE IS IT?

In the pockets of someone, but not for EASTBOURNE SERVICES and as my colleague had mentioned: EASTBOURNE BOROUGH COUNCIL HAS PLEADED POVERTY AGAIN!  The needle that is playing this record must be a bit worn down and extremely scratchy by now, perhaps we would be served better if we employed Monkeys from Longleat to govern our local counties.


I was doing a spot of shredding of old documents when I came across a brochure with the immortal words heading across the top “MY PLANS FOR EASTBOURNE” by our former Tory candidate.  What happened to WILLINGDON?


All those wonderful ideas she tantalised us by hanging them on a piece of string, just dangling there for all of Eastbourne and Willingdon populace to see and inwardly digest and we all fell into her trap by believing her.  Some persons were served as they should be, like simple cases that didn’t need much brain power and then the worm turned to be on par with Doris!


Promises of great wealth to get our ROAD’S POT HOLES fixed until they found SUITABLE  LOOPHOLES not to.  Support the local Eastbourne District General Hospital and the services therein.  That was reversed later and we lost vital services and anyone having a road accident had to travel to Hastings Hospital and even expectant Mothers had to travel to Hasting Hospital to have their babies and most were born on the journey.


I can remember a foreign girl student had an accident outside Eastbourne Hospital and was then taken to Hastings Hospital by ambulance for treatment!  What a stupid idea and waste of time.  An ambulance wasted when it could have been used for emergencies in Eastbourne.  The foreign girl student left to get back to Eastbourne and not knowing how!

Just typical of the Tory Empire, thinking of themselves and never about the people they were supposed to serve.


Support local Traders in Old Town who provide important services and character to our area?  What did this mean?  I did ask some of the local traders, but they had never heard of the lady!


There were lots of items on this brochure that our erstwhile TORY MP was going to do and some things were not important enough, they were like having cannon fodder to fill up the printing space!



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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