Ben Leathers – winter training provides a continuous smooth ride with Kauto Cyreo

A year in the life of Sussex based eventer Ben Leathers continues throughout this winter making a smooth progression to the planned year ahead.

In the past two weeks Ben has been busy at work, first with the Merris Wood JAS, where he jumped Kauto for the first time in an indoor arena – resulting in a clear and clean round. Moving on to this past weekend at Coombelands Equestrian located in the heart of the West Sussex countryside and perching on a peak was no escape this weekend to the season’s extreme winds. During a BE100 combined training event the pair picked up 3rd place. Kauto again providing Ben with a calm, clean and tidy show jumping round with no faults.

With the rain fuelled and predicted cancelation of the first British Eventing at Tweseldown, gives no extra rest time for this pairs continuous training for the season ahead. s not a bad start for a horse that was so green only last season; he has already qualified for the grass routes at Badminton. The weather this weekend has continued to be a little kinder, the floods are still there, just like the rest of the country. Threatening every time it rains to reappear. However, although the canter track and cross country course is still venerable its hoped that with a prolonged dry patch it may just become a trainable surface again soon.

Nutrition is naturally an important area in training that optimises the horse’s fitness and Ben and his wife Jo ensure they keep up to date in this minefield of advice that’s available. Giving Kauto the food he needs, as with all competitive horses, ensures the performance can be the best possible. In the next article we cover Kauto’s inside health that aids him and the fitness routine that Ben also puts himself through. The year in the life of Ben Leathers and Kauto Cryeo continues steadily – so far so good….. By Julie Badrick AIPS SJA BEWA

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