I see that that Tony Blair is not to go on trial for engineering the Iraq…

Is Gove to be the Governor to Govern?

It is mooted he is the one to lead us out of the EU shambles, but…

Jubilee Eye Suite – Eastbourne District General Hospital

I recently underwent minor surgery to have a very difficult cataract removed from my left eye. …

Mais oui, bien sûr (Yes, of course)

    The invasion of the French in Folkestone is quite prominent judging by the hotel…

Let the Political Party Without Sin Cast the First Stone!

We have all witnessed the political parties that have broken all Ten Commandments and apart from…

A Warning from America!

Dave and his cronies have briefed Barack Obama (or should it be BARRACK) and I quote…

The Tory Bully Boys

How can one respect our current Government when they can spend NINE MIILION POUNDS (£9,000,000) of…


It seems that EASTBOURNE has a new name because of the amount of housing estates that…