Charity bike ride raises over £3,000 for the RNLI

Over the weekend of 29 & 30 April three friends from Suffolk, all members of the API cycling club, undertook a sponsored cycle ride from their local lifeboat station in Aldeburgh to Littlehampton.

At the end of the ride David Humby, Nick Brodowski, Chris Worsfold arrived in Littlehampton to a welcome from family, friends and RNLI volunteers. They had covered a total distance of 187 miles over a period of 2 days, and in doing so exceeded the initial target they had set themselves. The current figure raised will ultimately provide protective equipment for two volunteer crew members.

David’s family has a close association with Littlehampton lifeboat station. In 2014, his parents Ray and Val Humby donated the station’s D-Class lifeboat Ray of Hope and it was always their intention to see the lifeboat in action during their lifetime. The hope is that their initial donation will provide some form of legacy for their family and friends in the future and this is what initially inspired David and his fellow cyclists to take on the challenge this year and who knows, they might do it again next year! The family has become firm friends with the volunteer crew and staff at Littlehampton RNLI and we thank them for their continued support.

Jointly, the volunteer crews from both RNLI stations launched on 65 occasions in 2016, rescuing 67 people of which 6 were under the age of 18. Of the 67-people rescued, 11 were classed as lives saved – a specific RNLI criteria where a person would have died if not for the RNLI lifeboat arriving on scene. All RNLI Lifeboat Stations are manned by a variety of volunteers who give their time freely to this remarkable charity and everyone involved is grateful for the continued support in helping meet the ever-increasing cost of equipment and training with their kind donations and contributions.”

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