It is probably true that most of us will see much coming and going in our lifetimes. This can be people, events, positions of power or figureheads and governments etc, but of course most appertaining to us will be people. All kinds of people in many different roles, but I suspect that spouses, mistresses and “fancy men” (if, ho ho, that is the male equivalent?) will leave the most profound effect on us all. What do you think?
Of course (any?) regular readers of my monthly offerings will have seen the recently finished trilogy on and about, romance where we looked at the three parts of romance, “attraction, connection and separation”. Thus readers will likely have all the answers. Or maybe not!
First poem for this article then, and aptly entitled “Comings and Goings” and from my 3rd published book, details at article end…
Comings and Goings
We open lots of metaphoric doors
As we journey through our life,
But also closing many too
On those who cause us strife.
For there’s happy doors and sad ones
And some possible to leave ajar,
If not needing a decision
Though best view these from afar.
So for me it’s like the famous glass
That is half empty or half full,
And people are either in or out
Though some outside may pull,
On a door I shut behind them
Not wanting to be left out.
But once I have removed you
That’s it, however much you shout!
For a friend or lover who betrays
Will surely do it all again,
And like the leopard with its spots
Their treachery will remain.
So if you want to turn your cheek
Don’t cry out if you get hit
Whilst trying to forgive their sin
Because they never are quite fit,
To tread the same boards as you
Protesting their lesson has been learned,
Despite all the care you gave them
Your love and respect they spurned!
So never fear having to close a door
For a better one will open wide,
With brighter better people coming
To you, standing gloriously inside!
In this day and age many of our comings and goings are likely to be captured by surveillance cameras that are set up all around us in out- town- centres, shops, garages, private set ups etc. Hey we can’t even have a surreptitious scratch now without being captured on umpteen cameras doing it.
Sadly now though, even churches appear to have security cameras as well, although I guess this is somewhat surprising and perhaps even enlightening as I thought they had the ultimate witness? Mmmmmm? Well onto my next poem for this article and again brilliantly “cued” as it’s called “Witness” and from my 3rd book as well….
An innocent bystander can observe
Many “going outs” and “coming ins,”
And whilst not wanting to be involved
May witness an array of sins!
For we are all spectators of life
Though many with blinkered eyes,
Apart from scenes that involve them
Thus they bask under cloudless skies.
Of course until their sunshine is gone
When they will shout for you and me.
But generally they’ll be indifferent
As none are so blind as will not see
So we can bear witness to our world
Occasionally making comment to seek
Correction or change, but mostly don’t,
For if not our problem, we’re loathe to speak.
Though obviously all the worlds wrongs
Cannot be solved by just one voice
That has witnessed man’s injustices,
Though some will make the choice,
To make a growing chorus
So much harder to then ignore,
But for many it’s too much trouble
And through contented sleep they snore!
So there we are, cameras and witnesses, all watching our comings, going and everyday activities too, but HEY, there’s part of me that thinks if people want to watch and observe me let them go ahead. I haven’t anything to hide, well ho ho ok, maybe the odd scratch, but come on “own up”, we ALL do that don’t we?
Being a bit more serious briefly, I do understand that many people get very irate and protective about all this video camera filming of us, and whilst I largely don’t mind, I do appreciate their efforts to protect themselves and us all generally, from it becoming a total “big bother watching” scenario. The cameras do though, catch many criminals and their activities on film which leads to many prosecutions so again I guess it is a matter of opinion that we all freely have.
Onto my last poem on this subject, and maybe a bit more of a subtle (lol, yes “I” CAN do subtle) reflection on the theme, but more one of my “reflective” section offerings. From my 2nd book “More Poetic Views of Life” I present my poem “Doorstop”….
A door can be unpleasant
If shut right in your face,
Or closed tight and daunting
To most of the human race.
For if solid you won’t see in
At scenes played right inside,
Allowing secrecy of actions
That insiders want to hide!
Doors literally go both ways
And can keep you safely in,
Protecting you and property
From those out to commit sin,
Or allow yourself some space
And the privacy you need,
From those unwanted callers
Who “don’t disturb” won’t read.
But shut doors aren’t sealed
As a key can work the lock.
If you want to give access in,
To folk without their knock!
So a door can be friend or foe
Depending on mood or need,
Like locking it to strangers
Who may only enter for greed.
Whilst you can happily open
Your door to someone dear,
That you will always welcome
As you know they are sincere!
So to move on then from comings and goings, if you can forgive my “little pun”, I would just add seriously, that if you hold someone very dear to you, do your damnedest to keep them close and not let them “come and go!”…..
Before I close, a polite “little plea” from me for folks to have a look at my website and my books mentioned below as all supports me and thus the charity Help for Heroes Official I support and donate to from all book sales.
Many thanks,
All four of my books :–
Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse &
Life Scene in Verse,
Will all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4. 99 each, with my 4th and bigger book (Life Scene in Verse) at £6.99 are all for sale on Amazon, or from me ………….. Or 07967 355236
I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….
I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and from very recently a website now:- please sign/join up for free