Council grant funding available for sports and culture projects

Mid Sussex District Council has announced a new grant programme to fund sports and cultural projects in the district, providing a welcome boost for many local voluntary and community groups.

Each year, the District Council’s Spotlight Grants Programme focusses attention on an area of Mid Sussex life that could benefit from additional help and funding. With the Commonwealth Games taking place in Glasgow this summer, the Council has chosen to support local sports and cultural events in 2014.

The grant funding is available to any local organisation that organises physical activities, sport or cultural events for Mid Sussex residents to enjoy. Grants of up to £500 are available and local groups have until Thursday 31 July 2014 to submit an application.


Applicants must be able to clearly demonstrate how their project will encourage more local people to take part in sport, physical activity or cultural activities. All grant applications will be considered by the Council in September 2014
“Major international sporting events like the Commonwealth Games don’t come to the UK that often, so when they do, we want to make the most of them,” said Lin Parkinson, Community Development Officer for Mid Sussex District Council.


“Watching great athletes compete so close to home is a real inspiration, especially for the younger generations. We’re supporting local groups with this grant funding to help improve the number of opportunities local people have to take part in physical activity and cultural events themselves.


“It doesn’t matter if your organisation is planning a one-off inspirational project or just need a new item of equipment to support your work; we want to hear from you. Sports and cultural activities do so much to enhance quality of life for local people. They also help to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents, which is a fitting legacy for the 2014 Commonwealth Games.”

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