Enter your self-help book in the 2016 Voila Success Book Award

trophyYou’ve created something amazing. An inspirational book that will truly change lives.   Now it’s time to turn more heads and earn the credibility you deserve.

Entries are now being accepted for the 2016 Voila Success Book Award, the most exciting and rewarding award program for  independent publishers and authors of success, self-help and motivation books.

The Voila Success Book Award is presented by Voila Success, The Sussex Newspaper and Mithra Publishing..

What is the 2016 Voila Success Book Award?

The 2016 Voila Success Book Award is the world’s only award dedicated to showcasing the best motivational and inspirational success and self-help books.

Together with The Sussex Newspaper and book publisher, Mithra Publishing, the 2016 Voila Success Book Award honors great self-help books from self-published authors, independent publishers and university presses.

Along with winning an engraved trophy and a certificate, finalists and winners can count on abundant recognition from all aspects of the book and self-help industries. In October 2016, finalists are revealed, and in December 2016, winners are announced here at Voila Success and in The Sussex Newspaper.

The finalists and winners lists will also be promoted in our e-mail newsletter as part of an international publicity campaign, along with lots of attention on our popular social media sites.

The 2016 Voila Success Book Award will help connect your book to readers excited to discover what’s new in the field of success, self-help, motivation and inspiration.

Entry Criteria

Books entered in the 2016 Voila Success Book Award must have been written in English and released in 2014, 2015 or 2016 or with a 2014, 2015 or 2016 copyright date

Entry is open to both print and ebooks

Only one book is permitted for each entry


The Voila Success Award was established to showcase self-help, motivational and inspirational books that change lives, Our awards process is unique and well respected because, once we have created a shortlist of entries, we assemble a jury of volunteer authors, literary agents and coaches to make the final judgment on the books. It is these volunteers who select the first, second and third place winners based on their experience with readers.

Of course, their decisions also take into consideration editorial excellence, professional production, originality of the narrative, author credentials relative to the subject matter, and the value the title adds to its genre.


First, second and third place winners will recieve an engraved trophy and a certificate.  The first place winner will also have the first chapter of their book syndicated in The Sussex Newspaper and in Voila Success.


An early bird entry fee of $25 for entries received before May 2016

$40 for entries received after May 2016

Click here to enter

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