James Blunt, Jamie Lawson – The Brighton Centre 24/11/2017

I wasn’t expecting that….

This is the first time I’ve seen this particular James live. I’ve seen lots of James’ live; James Bay, James Morrison, James T.W to name a few. My conclusion is that James is often a name associated with real talent. Jamie Lawson of “I wasn’t expecting that” fame was the opening act, his haunting modern folk/love songs pulled at the heart strings. There are sure to be a few of those being played at lots of weddings in the future. I was lucky enough to obtain a signed cd and get a photograph with the ultra talented Mr Lawson in the interval. I will be looking out for his live shows in the future. Definitely one to watch.

The Brighton Centre is a great venue, spacious, reasonably priced drinks, and this time I was accompanied by a disabled family member, and I have to say the facilities are more than adequate.

So, you say, get on with it, tell us about James Blunt. Well, his energy is inspiring. He sounds better than his recordings. Watching him live has given me a huge amount of respect for the much maligned Mr Blunt. The set was interspersed with little vignettes and stories about his tour, and some insights into the inspiration for his songwriting. He reflected his obvious intelligence, talent and humour.

He gave a great show, playing all his old well known tracks and obviously his new releases. There wasn’t a moment when I wasn’t entranced by him, I sang along to the point that my throat was sore. This was truly an entertaining evening. There are lots of new artists who should take a leaf out of this talented and experienced performer. He is to all intents and purposes a “guilty pleasure” and long may the guilt continue.

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