Local Singer Launches Recording Career in Style

Local singer Oliver Tourle returns to the stage this month for probably his most important concert performance yet. The Victorian Science Theatre on The Salomons Estate near Tunbridge Wells is the very special venue that he has chosen for the launch of his first EP “Sing“- which features his debut single, a cover of Adele’s monster hit, When We Were Young.

Oliver is a singer and performer from Kent who has experienced all angles of the industry. A former student of Performing Arts college Hillview School, Tonbridge, he has worked hard to carve his own pathway right through to the heart of the music industry.

As he prepares for his up-coming performance I spoke to Oliver about producing his debut EP, his hopes for the future and what we can expect at his launch party concert.

We’ve just watched the video for your single, When We Were Young. Where and when are you officially launching it?

The show is on July 23rd. I picked a Sunday because nobody ever has anything to do on a Sunday night, so they can all come along. It takes place at the Victorian Theatre on the Salomons Estate, which is a lovely venue, so it should make for quite a spectacle.

Is it just you performing?

Well, the concert will be in different sections. I have some other local singers who will be performing with me, I’ll be singing the songs off the EP to the backing tracks that I recorded in the studio and then the rest of the show will be with piano and acoustic guitar. So it will be a very laid back acoustic concert where I will take some classic pop songs and change them up a bit to really make them my own.

And what can we expect to hear?

You know, last time when I did my Live and Backstage show, people said that they wanted a set list in the programme so that they could see what was coming up, but I don’t like that idea. If it is all there in writing then some people might be sitting there, waiting for their favourite song, with an expectation. Instead, I prefer to introduce each number and perform my version of either a current or classic pop song. You’ll have to come watch to see which ones I’ve decided to cover!

And after the concert, what next?

Well, as I’m releasing an EP, I have another 3 music videos to go with the other tracks so they will all be released online as well. Obviously I’d love to have a career in music, to write my own songs and record songs which, to people are timeless. I would love to be at everyone’s special event, or have my voice and song mean something to them. But we’ll see where it leads.

I guess that I am really heading into the unknown. So far it’s been a gradual process, like stepping stones, and whatever I see next I go for. I’m hoping to have some regular acoustic sessions that I can put online so that I can create a regular following of people who want to hear me and watch my videos.

I am also looking at working with a brand new restaurant and cocktail bar called Grub & Liquor in Tunbridge Wells. They have a small function room downstairs which I would like to use for a Christmas show and maybe even on a more regular basis to entertain the diners. I’m just seeing how it goes really and finding ways to get more experience on stage and to build up my confidence.

Will you ever produce your own material?

Eventually I would love to sit down with someone, because I don’t play a musical instrument, and start learning so that I can start writing my own material. I have a little black book at home that I jot down some bits and bobs when I get some inspiration. I want to be able to create music so that I can turn those words into proper lyrics. I would really love to do that, that would be a major step forward.

I love songs with meaningful lyrics. That’s why it would be nice for me to, one day, write my own songs because I do love lyrics and I only ever sing songs that mean something important to me. Sometimes the songs are so important to me that singing them is almost overwhelming. I don’t think that anyone should ever sing a song that they don’t connect with because, if there is no connection, there is no passion.

Passion in your performance seems very important to you.

Yes, and that’s why I get nervous on stage. I put everything into it, not just into my performance but actually the whole thing is my project which is also why I like to do something different with each show that I do. As it’s my own project the whole evening really means a lot to me. Seeing everyone there is amazing. To think that people believe in me and want to come and see me, and bring their family or friends along too, it’s very special to me and I am very grateful.

After the success of his last solo show at the Assembly Hall Theatre, join Oliver on this special launch evening for his Debut EP “Sing” on Sunday July 23rd, at one of the grandest venues in the country – Salomons Victorian Science Theatre,Tunbridge Wells. Oliver will perform the tracks from his Debut EP as well as an acoustic-feel selection of classic songs, past and present with live musicians. So, with other local performers One Man Plan, Betsy-Lee Miller and Brooke Wells, a bit of chat, some great songs, and a welcome glass of bubbly, this is certainly an evening not to be missed!    £18.00 (+ booking fee) available from www.olivertourle.com

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