New beach huts and chalets available for rent

Hastings Borough Council has new beach huts and chalets available for renting in five locations across the town. Cllr Kim Forward said, “I am delighted that we can extend this popular amenity to more residents this year. We know that residents and visitors love our beach huts, with a waiting list for the most popular sites, so we are delighted to be able to provide even more.

“We are providing over 30 chalets in total, at Glyne Gap, Bulverhythe, West St Leonards, and White Rock, with annual prices ranging from £1200 to £1500 per annum.”


If we have more applicants than huts, we will hold a lottery; application for lottery draw opens on Friday, 1 September and closes on Friday, 15 September at 12 noon (midday).

Anyone interested in a chalet site should email their name, address, telephone number, mentioning which site(s) they are interested in with a contact email address to no later than 12 noon on 16 September 2017 People may enter for all the new sites, or just one or two. Runners up will go on a waiting list of sites for which they applied. Only one site can be allocated per person/household but waiting lists are available.
Those allocated with the new sites following the draw will sign a rolling licence agreement prior to the completion of the sites. The licence fees run from 1 January to 31 December. People will be charged pro-rata from the day they receive keys for the chalet.

Fees and charges for 2018 are reviewed and agreed in the autumn. Timings regarding occupancy of the new sites will be available as the construction progresses.


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