Newhaven’s Young Hero Receive Awards

The 2017 Newhaven Community Awards for Young People were presented at the Annual Town Meeting, which took place on Tuesday 2nd May at the Hillcrest Community Centre, organised by Newhaven Town Council.
About 60 people watched the awards being presented and heard presentations from local organisations about the work they do in the community.

The winner of the Young Achiever Award was George Taylor. George volunteered at Newhaven Fort for two years and helped out with events held by Art Techniques at Easter and Halloween as well as with a special project for the 100th anniversary of World War 1. He is now producing short videos, taking photos and assisting with many of the community events in the town. George was presented with his award by Mike Shorer of the Newhaven Chamber of Commerce, who sponsored this award.

The winner of the Young Sportsperson Award was Katie Eagle. Katie is the only girl in the Newhaven Cricket Club under 12 team and also the only girl in Seahaven Academy’s team. Due to her success at school and club level she was picked to represent Sussex in their girls under 12 team and captained the side. She will be playing for the Sussex girls under 13 team in the coming season and is a major driver in the team’s success with her ability, attitude and determination. Katie was presented with her award by Paul Daniels of the James Daniels Memorial Fund, which sponsored this award.

The winner of the Young Carer Award was Shamara Holt, who with the help of her sister cares for her Dad who is battling cancer. Sadly, Shamara was unable to attend the ceremony as her father had been rushed into hospital. Her award was collected for her by Katie Hartfield and was presented by Liz Allsobrook of Wave Leisure, who sponsored this award.

Seb Zuddas was chosen from all the nominees for all the awards to receive the overall Newhaven Community Award for Young People 2017. Seb is a student at UTC@newhaven and was the first to volunteer when the school was challenged to build something from nothing, working together as a single team, identifying initiatives and delivering them – with zero funding and little resources. He has got eleven other students on board with him and now has three projects on the go and is delivering them all.

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