Recycle your way to first prize!

Prizes are on offer for Recycling Heroes in the ‘Spot-a-Pot’ competition for West Sussex schools.

Children, teachers and parents are invited to spot and recycle plastic pots, tubs and trays.

First prize is a trip to Ford Material Recycling Facility to find out what happens when plastic is recycled.

Other prizes include a Wastebuster assembly and a compost bin for their school.

Recycling activity can be logged and tracked using the Wastebuster website which will show the ‘Spot-a-Pot’ leader board.

Currently more than 5,500 pots, tubs and trays have been recycled in the competition.

David Barling, West Sussex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services, said: “This is a great chance for everyone to recycle more and help the environment.

“10,000 tonnes of plastic pots, tubs and trays are thrown away every year in West Sussex. This is a number which could be easily reduced, especially with the added incentive of winning prizes!”

The competition ends on 24 June 2016.

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