Reviews of Life in Verse

Laurie Wilkinson, known as the Psychy Poet for his ability to use his experience as a psychiatric nurse to create subtle poetry that evokes deep emotions, has enjoyed a successful 18 months as a published poet.

His first book, Poetic Views of Life, was followed shortly by More Poetic Views of LIfe and his poems reached the final of the national competition in both years.  Local radio approached him for a regular spot and his poetry features so regularly in the Argus that he is considered their poet.

He divides his poetry into four categories: Romance, Humour, Reflective and Tragedy.

Romance has us all smiling, enjoying the emotions evoked with a sure touch, while Humour will cause chuckles and the occasional belly laugh. Reflective is Laurie’s look on life today, and causes the reader to re-examine many aspects of life, while Tragedy is where he lets his anger flow and his compassion wells up to encompass the reader.

Have you read his poetry?  Even if you are not a poetry reader, you should cast an eye over some of Laurie’s verse, with a relaxed mood and contemplate how you feel afterwards.

Reviews of Life in Verse is available from Amazon for £4.99 from which Laurie makes a donation to his favourite charity, Help for Heroes.  If you prefer, you may order it from your usual bookstore by quoting ISBN 978-1909359529

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