Step up your stop smoking bid this Stoptober

It is hoped that more than 1,500 West Sussex people will give up smoking altogether post-Stoptober.

It will surpass the number successfully supported through their quit attempt last year. The population of adult smokers countywide is 106,000.

The latest figures revealed by West Sussex County Council’s Public Health team show that:

• Arun, Crawley and Adur have the highest number of smokers in routine and manual work in across the county
• One in two manual workers in Arun are known to openly smoke – more than double the 26.5% national average
• Horsham has fewer tobacco users than any other local district (9.3%)
• Arun and Crawley have 5% more smokers aged over 18 than the national average (15.5%)

The County Council is appealing to hopeful converts in the lead up to Stoptober’s 28-day stop smoking challenge starting 1 October.

The County Council’s Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, Amanda Jupp, said: “Giving up smoking doesn’t have to be a long, arduous and lonely journey.

“Our Public Health team continues to work closely with GP practices and pharmacies to offer the best free of charge stop smoking support for West Sussex residents.

“Our message to residents is please don’t delay any longer and take that first step to improving your long-term health for you, and your family.

“One way to kick-start your quit attempt would be to book an appointment with a stop smoking advisor today via the West Sussex Wellbeing website.”

In 2015/16, it was found that 1,332 hospital admissions in West Sussex were attributed to smoking.

Switching to an E-cigarette, also known as vaping, is just one way of coming off of tobacco. The smoking aids are 95% less harmful than a traditional cigarette.

Residents can access a range of free stop smoking information and support via the NHS’ ‘One You’ website including:

• Why should you quit?
• Smoking and your family
• Smoking and pregnancy
• Stop smoking aids

To find your nearest GP offering stop smoking support, visit  and search ‘Smoking > Services for West Sussex’.

To access a range of self-serve stop smoking tools, visit the Stoptober website at

Follow the County Council on Twitter @WSCCNews and Facebook @WestSussexMatters for daily motivation through October.


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