By Lucy Jones, Lutrition Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive condition affecting 10-20% of…
Tag: IBS
Why a Neurodivergence Day? Mind and Body – March 11th
Did you know Neurodivergence is having a mind and body that is different from most of the population in the way people think, learn and process information but also in physical body issues that can affect the whole body!
So, it is likely to be different in both mind and body to those who are not neurodivergent. 
The most exciting and pioneering developments have been in the last few years and with SEDSConnective, the first neurodivergent symptomatic hypermobility charity leading this advocacy not only in Autism but also ADHD, Dyspraxia and TS and probably more like dyslexia, dycalculia and dysgraphia along with physical pain and dizziness. A researcher and team at BSMS, Dr Eccles, who is also our Patron, completed more research suggesting that neurodivergent people are more than double to have joint hypermobility and experience much more pain, dizziness and fatigue than most people. This is likely due to differences in our connective tissues, like collagen. We have, as members of SEDSConnective, known this along with so many of our members but have simply not been believed so far. Can you imagine any other diagnosed conditions where you are not believed?
For education this is also a big issue. Attendance in schools has been deteriorating particularly for neurodivergent students. My story is that I left school early, thought dim plus a hypochondriac so left with hardly any qualifications. Much later on I self studied whilst looking after my ill and neurodivergent children. I realised that so many issues we were facing now were ones I had faced during my lifetime yet, been dismissed. As I gained expertise in teaching in all areas, I saw a pattern. Why were so many students having trouble in school and being home educated, yet not always by choice?
There was not much interest, but I felt sure it was due to body health issues plus social mental and environmental issues. There was no name for it, but I looked further and later new research backed this up. Physical health is different in neurodivergent people. It affects us throughout the body from stomach pains so we can’t eat, to bloating so we don’t want to eat sometimes we are considered fussy eaters, bowel, bladder issues, allergy rashes, extreme tiredness, migraines, even anxiety and heart palpitations, dizziness, brain fog and most of all Pain. Some anxiety may be a physical response due to gravity believe it or not!
For many years now I have presented and written professionally on how so many students were labelled with emotional based school avoidance (EBSA) but listed were nearly all the physical symptoms we now know exists with us! This was before Covid and Post Covid, it was very obvious Long Covid symptoms were very familiar to us. We were not believed or maybe due to autism or ADHD diagnoses it was assumed only due to social, emotional, environmental or mental causes and nothing to do with the physiology. Yet the head and body are joined up?
We now know not being believed to be ill or injured without evidence of a previous accident or positive test can cause trauma. We know we tend to MASK pain. For this reason, we are calling for neurodivergence health to be recognised and not neglected or hidden from policies, agendas, training in education, health, care, work /employment, or travel needs.
[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”31tvtv9uy6″ question=”Do you think this is important?” opened=”0″]The first even neurodivergence affirming acceptance day for mind and body will be on March 11th #NeurodivergenceDay #NAAD #ND[/wpdiscuz-feedback]
Press release here :