Where to spa in the great outdoors

Spabreaks.com co-founder, Abi Selby, talks about the world of outdoor spa experiences that await in the…

Say it with spa

They say actions speak louder than words, but in my experience spas say it all. I…

Putting the ‘I’ in International Women’s Day

On 8th March the world will celebrate International Women’s Day or IWD 2024. I am so…

Top five wellbeing trends for 2024

At Spabreaks.com we work with more than 600 spa destinations across the UK, and we organise…

Six things that will happen if you don’t get enough sleep

Many people are unaware of how essential it is to get a good night’s sleep on…

Why you should be watching relaxing music videos today

It has recently been discovered that music has a huge impact on our brain, and relaxing music…

Top 6 spa and wellness getaways in Europe

When you find yourself feeling stressed in your everyday life, be that from work or personal…