As a follow on from my last writing on achievements, it seems we have turned full circle to the best attributes that you have.
With your knowledge, experience and skill sets acquired in all the years of your working life. How about, sharing this amazing talent and gifts with your stories of successes and disappointments as a mentor.
As you may know the dictionary definition of a Mentor is: “an experienced and trusted adviser” or “advise or train (someone, especially a younger co-worker)
So, the national press is stating that we have a national skills shortage! Do you think you can help with your years of experience?
If you are in work at the moment then you will be considered valuable in supporting others who do not have all the attributes required.
Equally we all know that nothing comes easy when you are working and learning new information and skills. Thus, that is where you can step-up and offer yourself as a mentor.
Now, we must not forget the jobseekers or the unemployed because they are such a priceless resource to society. Because they have so much to share and contribute to a future employer. Therefore, in your previous achievements do mention in your resume/cv and your cover letter for the job application your value as mentor.
This, will not go unnoticed and probably provide a discussion point at your interview as to how you applied your mentoring in a stated business process scenario.
We all recognise that difficult times are ahead with the UK economy since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond after all emergency restrictions are removed.
So therefore, we need to remain positive – even though all of us are human and have our moments of a dark cloud of hopelessness that could consume us.
Please, be mindful all the time that you can contribute and be back on the employment ladder again – do not ever give up and persevere.