In my report of two weeks ago, my title was “The Second Plague!”  I am just wondering why people of the United Kingdom are taking so many chances and socialising in clusters, not keeping to the guidelines.  The government are not helping by disclosing the latest figures.  They are almost like the film “All Quiet on the Western Front!”  A long and tedious film but showing how many of our brave soldiers were slain in the First World War.  The scientists have reported that this Covid-19 will be part of our lives and the only cure will be a vaccination.


Young people are putting the older generation and the people who have to treat these foolish diehards in jeopardy – a sort of devil-may-care-attitude until they are ill in bed and then it is a different story, it’s not their fault it’s someone else whose to blame.


There’s an old adage “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink!”  This, more or less describes the people of this country and I am shocked at their behaviour and perhaps I am naïve in believing that people should act responsibly for their actions, especially those who decide to go on holiday abroad and then have to make a decision whether to stay or come home early to avoid having to isolate for a fortnight and in some cases people who have to go to work will lose two weeks pay and someone else in the family stating “IT’S NOT FAIR WHY SHOULD WE BE PENALISED?”


But surely, everybody is equipped with a brain and people make their own decisions.  No one is forced to do anything.  People need to think things out before making plans to go abroad.  At anytime this Covid-19 can break out at a moment’s notice in any country and whether you meet the deadline of getting back to England or not, you could still have this disease and start spreading it all over again and we might have TOTAL LOCKDOWN for another six or seven months due to selfish persons without regard for others and putting life at risk for those who have underlying medical problems and of course the NHS Doctors and Nurses.


The government might report that no more deaths have occurred for the fifth consecutive day but this doesn’t mean anything if persons are going to take this as a green light to act irresponsibly!



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.


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