Apparently Knowsley Housing Trust are knocking down Flats in Dursley Road Whiston.  The developers are not letting on where exactly the housing estate is and though the Liverpool Echo reported that it was in Dursley Road that wasn’t exactly true.  The only trouble is the demolition is going on now and won’t be finished until next February 2017.


The fact that Kelly Doyle and her dog are still living in the flat on the building site where the working force are demolishing the other buildings surely must be illegal for health and safety reasons or has the law changed in favour of KHT?


The developers KHT have not come up with a suitable arrangement for Kelly to accept their offers.    It was stated in the Liverpool Echo report that KHT respected her views regarding moving from her flat. This may be hard to believe as they have damaged her front door and lock and the rear of the property is inaccessible because of the subsidence where heavy machinery has been used and she has to gain entrance to her property through a window.


By law they should honour the damage they have caused and make the property secure until such a time that an acceptance by the resident is to her satisfaction.


I was amazed at some of the comments made by other persons living in and around the Dursley site and their character assassination of Kelly Doyle.   It made me sit back and think how terrible some people are and wonder what the world is going to be like in the future.  It is obvious to me that Christianity is taking a back seat in Whiston and Dursley or is it Knowsley?


On the Home Front


Is chivalry dead where road users are concerned and get behind their driving wheels?  Coming home from a Church service – I nearly met two young lady drivers who clearly had no idea of the code of practice.  I was going up a hill and there was no-one parked on my side of the road so really I had right of way.  There were cars parked on their side of the road and it’s not a particularly wide road.  I had to stop and get as close to the kerb as possible while these two people decided to ignore my existence on the road and were in my estimate travelling more than 30mph in a built up area.  The slogan “Keep death off the road” has no chance with drivers like this let loose.  It was my wife who said. “Those two drivers haven’t a clue!”


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